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Yeah, not bad!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hiya! Finally had the chance to try out the game. I think once you get more content in, it will have great potential. 

  •  When you're not used to the controls and trying to figure them out, it gets a bit difficult to understand how to jump across the corns in the tutorial. at least, it was for me. I was pressing space and then pressing W hoping to go forward mid-air which is not what I should be doing. Not sure if it would solve it but seeing something like this could help maybe: 

         If it was a puzzle game, I'd be fine to discover how the mechanic works on my       own. Though in this case, I think the onboarding should be super fast. First 5 mins is ver important, otherwise I feel like players will miss the actual fun aspect of the game.

  •  I definitely want a mode where you restart and lose all the coins you collected. For the real RAGERS!
  •  I'm pretty sure you'll come up with lots of different fun mechanics but here are some I thought of:
    • Bending corns. Bends a little bit when you land on them and then throw you to the opposite side.
    • Panic chicken. when you touch this one, it alarms all the other chickens around it and they get faster for a few seconds.
    • Spiky chicken(shit it sounds like spicy and it's not good), if you touch it you drop one of your coins and chickens can pick up a dropped coin.
    • Flying chickens, hit you mid-air changing your rotation.
    • Baller Chickens. passing the coin between each other, annoying bastards.

Looking forward to play new versions! Good luuuck!


also just realized my drawing feels a bit NSFW. didn't mean it to look like that, sorry.

also maybe use this for marketing:


now that you mention it... xD

Forgot to respond before because I was distracted by the drawing, but I love these suggestions!


The new version is definitely better/easier, with the hitbox changes.  I'm down to about a minute per level ๐Ÿ˜”.  I think the WASD controls may be more forgiving if they auto-centred over time - but that speaks more to my (lack of) skill issue than the game ๐Ÿ™‚  The audio is still amazing.


I'm so happy you are enjoying the sounds! <3


Loved the audio.  Not sure if there's a trick to grabbing the coins but I didn't master it.  I did enjoy the fart noise and jumping around on top of the hedges though.  Looking forward to seeing where this goes ๐Ÿ™‚